Data media safes

Our data safes are specially designed to protect and secure digital files and data, such as hard drives, USB sticks and CDs against both theft and fire. Digital data is much more sensitive to heat - and cannot be stored in a traditional fireproof document cabinet. Our data media cabinets have ratings that tell you how many minutes the cabinet can hold its temperature in case of fire. All our robust data media cabinets provide effective protection against theft. Several of the data media cabinets are also waterproof.
Data media cabinet MBG 082
348 x 415 x 491 mm
Price on request
464 excl. VAT
Data media cabinet MBG 123
453 x 415 x 491 mm
Price on request
602 excl. VAT
Data media cabinet MBG 205 120 min
Price on request
720 excl. VAT
Data media cabinet MBG 205 60 min
Price on request
644 excl. VAT
Fire box MBG 1200 Fireproof
156 x 362 x 284 mm
Price on request
70 excl. VAT
Fire box MBG 20101 Fireproof and waterproof
Price on request
83 excl. VAT

Swedish security since 2001

MBG Sweden has been a leading player in security products and services since 2001. But we are not satisfied, we work with continuous improvement.

MBG Sweden started with its own mission 13 to think, design and engineer security ourselves. We understand our products and can provide fast, local support. We've also cut out all the middlemen 13 so you get the best price.
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